By Holly Walck Kostura, devoted Iyengar yoga student and teacher “[Yoga teaches us what resources] we have inside us so that we are able to expose ourselves to ourselves and find out what we really are.” Geeta Iyengar’s lecture, aptly titled “The Practice of Women During the Whole Month,” shines a light on the path […]
Tag Archives | women

65 Can’t Come Soon Enough
by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger A few years ago, I wrote a column addressing what I thought was the nadir of women’s self-esteem in the early 21st century. The topic was “hand-plumping,” and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a procedure that injects fat into your hands. It delivers a more youthful-looking […]

Sisterhood for Sale
by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger I don’t know much, but I’m pretty sure the only thing more annoying than The New York Times’ Sunday Styles feature titled “Ladies of the Lanyards” will be the letters and emails the Times prints next week in support of it. In case you missed, it, I’ll […]

Does Art Imitate Life? Uh-oh!
by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger I can always count on my sons to introduce a provocative topic into the conversation, one that almost always makes me think about things a little differently. For example, one night we were discussing movies and they asked if I could name any that passed The Bechdel […]

For Her Age
by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger In Gillian Flynn’s novel Gone Girl, title character Amy Elliott Dunne was a “golden girl,” growing up with every advantage, including good looks and wealth. As the story unfolds, she experiences a rather startling moment of clarity when she is described as “attractive, for her age.” She […]

Why I Will Not #BanBossy
by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels With all due respect to my idols, Sheryl, Beyoncé, and the other women of the #BanBossy campaign, I most certainly will not ban bossy. In fact, you can call me bossy flossy, the boss lady, or whatever variation of the B-word you want. […]

No More Pap Smears?
By Diana Zuckerman, PhD, president of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund If you’re a woman over 21, that headline probably got your attention. After all, who likes Pap smears? Wouldn’t it be great to never need one again? Well, don’t get too excited because the alternative could be worse, if a Food and Drug […]

An Ugly Index
by guest blogger Renee James, essayist and blogger I thought I had reached my limit when I saw (and ignored) ads in my Facebook feed promoting “sexy eyebrows.” But then I read this: a headline for an article promising insight into what my belly button said about me. That may have actually pushed me to […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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