by guest blogger Stephanie Eckelkamp, senior associate editor at Prevention magazine This weekend, before that potent cookout combo of burgers, macaroni salad, and margaritas has a chance to do a number on your stomach, make sure your kitchen is stocked with these seasonal essentials to help battle the bulge. Watermelon This melon’s secret weapon? It’s superhigh […]
Tag Archives | tomatoes

5 Summer Foods That Help You De-Bloat

Eating in Season: Spring Fruits and Vegetables
by guest blogger Toni Becker, member of the Rodale’s editorial team Looking for a cleaner, more sustainable diet? Start by eating seasonally. In today’s world of mass production and far-flung distribution, the seasons blend together. Fruits and veggies that used to be available just once a year can now be found 365 days a year. […]

Tomato Soup from Scratch
I grew up in the Andy Warhol generation of tomato soup. Not only did it come from a can, but the can itself was worshiped. But recently I was traveling and had one of those weird “it’s too early for dinner but too late for lunch, yet I’m still starving” moments and found myself in […]

New and Improved Tomato Sauce Recipe (from Scratch)
Last year I wrote about making my tomato sauce from scratch—as any good gardener married to an Italian needs to do. But the truth is I have improved it this year with a new secret, thanks to another Italian. Over the years I’ve tried it all, and I think this year I’ve finally gotten it […]

Summer Gazpacho That Kids Will Love
How do I know kids will love this cold soup? Well, the other day I made it as an experiment and served it for lunch. Eve had a friend over. The next week I saw her friend’s mom and she asked me for the recipe. Her daughter told her she loved it!!!! That, to me, […]

Sweet-and-Sour Tomato-Pepper Salad Recipe
This clean, quick, and easy recipe tastes just like my childhood summers to me. My mother used to make it, and I always loved it—even after I learned how she made it, which seemed just plain weird. I think it’s a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe. It’s so easy it will take you only five minutes to […]

Getting Saucy at Tomato Time!
Despite the blight and the wet, cold weather, my tomatoes are finally ripening. Actually, my biggest threat to the harvest this year has been that all my Guinea hens have been eating them. It’s quite annoying. I got a great variety of tomato plants this spring from Seed Savers Exchange and Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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