by Maria Luci, editor at Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen and Rodale’s Drinking bone broth is more than just the latest food trend—it’s an easy and delicious way to add a little extra nutrition to your daily diet. Linked to a number of health and beauty benefits, homemade bone broth (a longer-simmered version of soup stock) […]
Tag Archives | soups

Abruzzi Fish Stew
When I first met my former father-in-law, whose parents were from Abruzzi, Italy, all he could talk about was the fish stew. So when we went to Abruzzi to visit my former husband’s relatives while on our honeymoon, of course we had to have the fish stew. It was incredible. Unfortunately, what I now know, […]

Oyster Crackers from Scratch…So Simple!
I’ve realized that I learned to cook so that I could eat food that’s guaranteed organic, and one of the last remaining items I can’t find in the store is organic oyster crackers—those hard-as-nails ones that it takes grown-up hands to crack into your oyster stew or clam chowder. It’s really all about the oyster […]

Homemade Posole
by guest blogger Andrew Norelli, product manager and food photographer I don’t usually equate Mexican with comfort food, but when I tried posole for the first time at a local Mexican restaurant, I instantly fell in love with its warm, comforting flavors. Posole is a simple stew of pork, hominy, and a chile sauce. What’s […]

Chickpea Soup: The Best Italian Comfort Soup EVER
Well dear readers, I’m thinking about doing a cookbook. But when I looked over my recipes, I realized I was missing a chickpea soup recipe, the kind you find in Italy. Then the other day, lo and behold, Holly, my yoga teacher said, “I’m coming over and we are going to make chickpea soup.” I […]

Make Your Own Bone Broth From Thanksgiving Turkey Bones
Bone broth is everywhere right now. It officially seems like a “craze” to me. Some crazes are crazy (margarine, for example); others are great (like the running or yoga crazes). What’s funny to me about the bone broth craze is that I’ve been making it forever. I just called it homemade soup broth. In fact, […]

Tomato Soup from Scratch
I grew up in the Andy Warhol generation of tomato soup. Not only did it come from a can, but the can itself was worshiped. But recently I was traveling and had one of those weird “it’s too early for dinner but too late for lunch, yet I’m still starving” moments and found myself in […]

A Yummy Gluten-Free Summer Vegetable Soup
There’s always that moment in late summer (BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) when you look in the fridge and discover you have way more vegetables than it’s possible to eat unless you do something drastic…like make soup. This vegetarian soup is so easy and delicious that you’ll feel quite proud of yourself for making it—and healthy, too. The most […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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