Tag Archives | Random Thoughts

The Magic of Tiny Voices

The Magic of Tiny Voices

The other morning my littlest daughter put on a full, Disney-esque princess show. if I actually spoke to her or looked at her, it broke the magic spell and she couldn’t really continue creating until she found her private space inside again. My question is, where does that magical creativity go when we grow up?

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Where Are All the Disney Princes?

Where Are All the Disney Princes?

Raising a houseful of princesses comes naturally to me. I’ve raised three of them. They are smart, girl-power-super-strong-and-independent, sparkly sprites who love to dress in fluffy pink things when they are small and sometimes even when they grow up. But the other day, it occurred to me…where are all the princes?

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The Best Organic Burger EVER

The Best Organic Burger EVER

I confess, after a hard day at work, my go-to meal is a cheeseburger. And I have a new fast-food favorite…

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The Truth about Breastfeeding

The Truth about Breastfeeding

Many moms enter motherhood not sure what to expect. I was once a young mother, too, who didn’t know what to expect, and with each child the exact same thing happened. So here we go, the unvarnished, unfiltered truth about breastfeeding:

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The Joy of a Few Good Whacks

The Joy of a Few Good Whacks

I can hit a ball pretty well. I’ve had my fair share going past the 150-yard sign. What fascinated me most were the different sounds, depending on where you hit the ball.

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Dangerous Books for Girls

Dangerous Books for Girls

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. Romance novels inspire and empower women to live and love to a higher standard. And because that’s a threat to the status quo, we’re taught to ridicule those who embrace that literature. But I say, no more!

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10 Ways to End a Tough Year

10 Ways to End a Tough Year

Every once in a while, everyone has a bad year—whether it’s economic or tragic. Let’s just say I’ll be very happy to close the books on this one and start over again.

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What Mark Will You Leave on the World?

What Mark Will You Leave
on the World?

This week, I urge you to carve out an hour or, better yet, a day when you can really open your heart and calm your head enough to dream about what you truly desire.

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