Tag Archives | Random Thoughts

50 Things I Learned in My First 50Years, Part 1

50 Things I Learned in My First 50
Years, Part 1

A year ago this month, I turned 50 for the first and last time. And for my 50th last year I went to an island and wrote in my journal and thought about where I’ve been and where I want to go next, and I made this list. Since I’m about to turn 51, I thought I’d revisit it. It’s still true for me! Hope you like it!

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6 Ways to Detoxify Your Heart

6 Ways to Detoxify Your Heart

This time of year, there is info everywhere on how to detoxify your body. Whatever toxin you want to remove, or part of your body you want to cleanse, there’s a smoothie for that! Now, I love smoothies, and I believe that physical detoxification is an essential health practice. But I also believe that the most toxic toxins start in our hearts. And for true health, healing, and happiness that’s where we need to start.

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6 Ways to Save on Heating

6 Ways to Save on Heating

by guest bloggers from Energy Star. Heating your home is not only hard on your wallet, but it’s hard on the environment, too. When power plants burn fossil fuels to make electricity, they release greenhouse gases. By using less energy at home, you can help reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change, and save money while you’re at it. Here are 6 helpful energy-saving tips:

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My Top 10 Predictions for 2013

My Top 10 Predictions for 2013

Over the years I’ve predicted trends for myself and expressed them primarily by saying “I knew that was going to happen!” after the fact. But this time I’m going to commit them to paper. Since it’s my first time, I’m not really making any promises. My methodology includes exposure to multiple sources of information and expertise, observing people in many different places, and most important, a feeling I get in my gut, a kind of craving.

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The Year of Daring Greatly

The Year of Daring Greatly

The best book I read in 2012 was Daring Greatly, by Brene Brown. But 2013 is the year I’m going to put Brown’s discoveries into action. I think some people would say (including myself) that I’ve done my share of daring greatly—with both success and failure. I’ve certainly had my share of critics. But what is truly wonderful about Brene Brown’s book is that, as a PhD researcher, she has been able to help me understand how and why I do what I do, and why it’s good to do even more of it.

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What to Do with All That Holiday Plastic

What to Do with All That Holiday Plastic

By guest blogger Beth Terry. A common question I get from readers of my blog at the end of the holiday season is what to do about plastic gifts, wrapping, and other holiday accoutrements from well-meaning friends and family. For those of us working to reduce the amount of plastic we consume and the plastic waste we produce, the holidays can be challenging. Despite my best efforts, I sometimes still end up awash in unexpected plastic at the end of the holidays. Here are a few ideas for what to do with some of it:

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5 Tips for Effective Resolutions

5 Tips for Effective Resolutions

For a “woman of action” such as myself, this is most important time of the year for contemplating where I’ve been, where I’m headed, and much more importantly where I want to go (and what I want to do.) It’s a time of rebirth, and I use that energy to create the year that I want to have ahead of me, rather than let it happen accidentally. So are five things I’ve learned that help guide me towards a better New Year.

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!
And may all our dreams come true in 2013!

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