Tag Archives | organic candy

Maria's 5 Favorites: Easter for Everyone!

Maria’s 5 Favorites: Easter for Everyone!

Easter is on its way, and I’m dreaming about the ham we’re going to eat and the candy we’re going to make. I’m also thinking about Easter baskets—not just for the kids, but for everyone! Here are my favorite Easter basket picks: 1. Handcrafted Trug Garden Basket. You can’t have an Easter basket without an […]

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10 Alternatives to Toxic GMO Trick-or-Treat Candy

10 Alternatives to Toxic GMO Trick-or-Treat Candy

It’s that time of year again…when little goblins come knocking at your door expecting sweets. I remember with my first child—32 FREAKIN’ years ago—I wished there were organic alternatives to the mainstream treats. But unless I was willing to hand out carob brownies (that no child in her right mind would eat), I was stuck. […]

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