by guest blogger Pam Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, FACSM, best-selling author and expert on health, fitness, and nutrition You might not be aware, but in every nanosecond of your life, you’re actually experiencing countless never-ending cycles of mind-body recovery that run the gamut from grieving a broken heart to mending a pulled tendon. For instance, […]
Tag Archives | life

What Happens When You Stop Fighting Change
It’s cliché but true: The only constant is change. Look at nature. It’s never still. Even rocks, given geological time, move. Or look at kids. One minute they are cute babies, the next they are cute but challenging toddlers, and so on. The rule applies to us all: A glance in the mirror reminds us […]

Too Much Free Stuff
by guest blogger Amanda Harding, writer and blogger My mother-in-law has a motto: “If it’s free, it’s for me!” She’s also really good with money, and I’m really not. So for a while I tried to live by that same motto. I accepted free samples, I clipped coupons, I nodded an enthusiastic “Yes!” whenever someone […]

Random Acts of Compassionate Connection
by guest blogger Pam Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, best-selling author and expert on health, fitness, and nutrition Loneliness hurts. We don’t need a slew of science studies to convince us that living without meaningful connection to others is painful. To be clear, I’m not talking about dedicated alone time for introspection, journaling, prayer, a quiet walk, […]

The Most Powerful Exercise You’ll Ever Do for Yourself
by guest blogger Lewis Howes, author of The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy Creating your Perfect Day Itinerary (PDI) may be one of the most powerful exercises you ever do, so make it count. I’ve coached many wandering entrepreneurs through this exercise, and most of […]

A Year Without a Garden
Here’s something I love about Rodale Inc. Last month, when we had an all-employee meeting where we asked employees to submit questions to me and other Rodale executives—anonymously, of course!—this was one of the questions I received: In one of your final “Maria’s View” articles for Organic Gardening, you wrote you were going to leave your […]

Death, Tomatoes, and Life Again
Last week was a hard week. I had no problems navigating the Pope traffic in New York City (in fact, the roads were amazingly clear). But I did get emotional about all the brave things he was saying as he made his way through his papal visit. Business is challenging these days, too, which makes […]

Dear Reader
Dear Reader, Thank you for your patience over this past summer. My blogging has been less than consistent. As you might have seen, I did a lot of traveling! Iceland, England, France, Iowa, Memphis…some of which I haven’t even had the chance to write about yet. And most importantly, I delivered my second daughter to […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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