I’ve met a few kids in my time who have never had more vegetables than a carrot stick and, if they had to guess what an artichoke is, would say it’s a karate move. But not my kids, of course. They eat their vegetables all the time. At least sometimes. I mean, they all go […]
Tag Archives | Kids

Choose Life
There is something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while but wasn’t ready to blog about until I read, on The New York Times online, about the guy who murdered an abortion doctor and claimed in his defense that he was justified because he opposed abortion. Over the years I’ve mostly stayed out of […]

How to Make Amazing Gravy from Scratch
Gravy, real gravy, has to be one of the best foods on earth. It makes everything taste better (rice and gravy, potatoes and gravy, stuffing and gravy, bread and gravy, gravy and gravy…yum!). Gourmet machinations just mess it up. It’s got to be simple, pure, heavenly gravy. I know some people make it in a […]

How to Get Your Kids to Read
It occurs to me that I might have found the secret formula for getting kids to read. While the media and teachers complain that kids don’t read anymore, I can’t get my kids to stop. Even Lucia, who is too young to read, is a voracious reader. I jokingly yell at Eve (age 12), “How […]

The Adventures of Pumkin the Cat: Conclusion!
In Part 1, Pumpkin came into our lives, only to vanish mysteriously. In Part 2, the search for Pumpkin seemed hopeless. Part 3: “Guess what we found?” Eve asked. “Pumkin?” I asked, hopefully. “Yes!” She said. “Alive?” I asked with trepidation. “Yes!” she said with joy. “I know it’s her because as soon as she […]

A Halloween Story: The Adventures of Pumpkin the Cat
In part 1, Pumkin came into our lives, only to vanish shortly before Halloween. Part 2: We searched all over for Pumkin. We drove around the mountain. We asked the neighbors if she’d been spotted. We went to the local animal shelter and looked for her. She had one of those ID chips implanted in […]

Halloween Story: The Adventures of Pumkin the Cat
When I was a little girl and sick in bed, I vividly remember my fuzzy gold blanket draped around my little legs. It transported me to the dunes of the Sahara. I would dream of adventures riding a camel across the desert. The sun coming in my window would make the dust sparkle like daytime […]

Swine Flu Is in the House
Well, so much for prevention. When you have a 12-year-old and a 3-year-old who provoke each other by trying to lick each other, there is no defense against a pandemic virus like H1N1. Eve came home from school with it last week. This week, her school has shut down for three days—and now Lucia has […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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