Tag Archives | Food

Tips on Icing a Cake, Sort Of…

Tips on Icing a Cake, Sort Of…

I have always been a horrible cake icer. Horrible. My kids have said my cakes look like a dog vomited on them (although they eat them with glee and joy). The other week when I was making my own damn birthday banana cake, it happened to be the Monday of Martin Luther King Day, so my babysitter and cleaning lady in the house. They waited until I was done icing my cake, and then started giving me advice. In that few minutes of advice, I learned more about icing a cake than I had learned in a lifetime.

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How to Make Your Own Sauerkraut

How to Make Your Own Sauerkraut

by guest blogger Robyn Jasko. If you’ve never had fresh fermented sauerkraut, you are really missing out. Unlike the cooked sauerkraut you get at the grocery store, which is soft and mushy, raw fermented sauerkraut has a crunchy bite that tastes delicious and is filled with probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes that work to break down your food, supporting the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

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Light and Fluffy Banana Cake

Light and Fluffy Banana Cake

I’ve been making banana muffins for years (aka “happy cakes”) but have been craving a good banana cake that is light and slathered in butter cream icing (NOT cream cheese icing! There is a time and place for that, but it is way overdone, if you ask me—kind of like balsamic vinegar). And since it was my birthday recently, I thought I would make it myself. And it was so good!

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5 Food Myths Debunked

5 Food Myths Debunked

by guest blogger, Nathanael Johnson. I grew up in a nature-worshipping, somewhat hippie family, and with my book, All Natural, I attempted to fact-check our idea that instead of protecting ourselves against nature with technology, people are healthier when they embrace nature. In nearly every case, I found that the answers I got when I asked, “Is nature healthier?” always depended on the way I asked the question. With the caveat that it’s possible to produce different sorts of answers, as well, here are 5 food myths debunked.

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The Top 3 Brain Foods of the Year

The Top 3 Brain Foods of the Year

By guest blogger Drew Ramsey, MD. Odds are you’re missing some crucial ingredients for feeling your best. Most of us are. For the first time in the history of the world we are both overfed and undernourished. The data keeps pouring in that an organic plant-based diet with carefully selected meat and seafood is the best way to feed your brain. Yes, you can eat to build a better (and happier) brain. Here’s how.

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3 Ways to Make Holiday Treats Healthier

3 Ways to Make Holiday
Treats Healthier

by William Davis, MD. Cookies, cakes, pies, cheesecakes, candies…I call the holidays the Annual Wheat and Sugar Frenzy. During these days of holiday get-togethers, treats at the office, gifted goodies, and overindulgent dinner parties, we can easily gain around 5 to 10 pounds. And once you start down the holiday goody path, it’s tough to stop. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

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Ode to the Club Sandwich

Ode to the Club Sandwich

It started this summer after a golf game when I got a sudden terrible craving for a club sandwich. The public course I played on didn’t serve them, and neither did the pub down the street. And so I went without. Until Thanksgiving. And then I saw all that leftover turkey and knew What Must Be Done.

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Chicken Potpie from Scratch

Chicken Potpie from Scratch

Chicken potpie is all about the crust. The Pennsylvania Dutch call a soup with square homemade noodles chicken potpie, but try serving that to friends and family and getting away with it. (Trust me, I tried it once.) It’s good, mind you. But it’s not the same as a good crust. Real crust. It’s all about the crust. Here’s my recipe…

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