Tag Archives | Food

Iced Green-Ginger-Mint Tea

Iced Green-Ginger-Mint Tea

‘Tis the season for cold refreshing beverages and I just cannot get enough of this iced green tea recipe I invented. It’s full of all kinds of healthy ingredients and couldn’t be easier to make.

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10 Ways to Eat a Whole Grain Tortilla

10 Ways to Eat a Whole Grain Tortilla

Tortillas are very handy to have around, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert, whether you are alone or feeding a family. They are quick, easy, healthy, and totally yum.

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Foraging for Ramps: 5 Rules Everyone Should Know

Foraging for Ramps:
5 Rules Everyone Should Know

by guest blogger Tim Mountz. This time of the year if I am not in the fields planting, I am out in the woods. I do a lot of trail-running, but I’m also an avid hiker and forager. I spent the last few weeks in the woods because the ramps were up and ready to pull almost two weeks ahead of schedule.

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The Future of Agriculture: Triple-Bottom-Line Beauty

The Future of Agriculture:
Triple-Bottom-Line Beauty

by guest blogger Alberto Gonzalez. Finally, a business model that is not only centered on profits, but also on social and environmental impacts. It’s a triple-bottom-line business model: profit-driven, people-focused, and environmentally responsible. And it’s amazingly successful.

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Start Your Own Modern Homestead

Start Your Own Modern Homestead

by guest blogger Robyn Jasko. It’s time to redefine the modern homestead. There are so many simple ways we can start growing our own food. And you don’t have to have a huge patch of land, own a tractor, or spend a ton of time or money to get growing. Here are five simple ways to get started

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Italian Wedding Soup, NOT from a Can

Italian Wedding Soup, NOT from a Can

My kids love Italian wedding soup. So I was determined to figure out a homemade recipe that was easy (relatively), quick, and as satisfying to them as the store-bought stuff.

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Chemical Agriculture's Dirty Fight

Chemical Agriculture’s Dirty Fight

by guest blogger Alex Formuzis. The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement health-based standards for all pesticides used in food, with special safeguards for infants and babies. But chemical agribusiness has been fighting to try to block any action by EPA every step of the way.

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6 Essential Kitchen Tools

6 Essential Kitchen Tools

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. For years I lived in tiny Manhattan apartments with microscopic kitchens that barely had room for a person to stand, let alone cook. Yet even with little space to store or use kitchen supplies, I managed to cook and feed myself, thanks to these utterly essential kitchen tools.

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