Tag Archives | Food

10 Ways to Get Arsenic Out of Your (and Your Kids’) Diet

10 Ways to Get Arsenic Out of Your (and Your Kids’) Diet

by Sonya Lunder and Dawn Undurraga. Although scientists and government regulators have long known about the ever-present threat of arsenic in our diet and water, it was unsettling when two major reports came out on the same day last week, reminding us of the risk and the need to do what we can to minimize it.

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Heirloom Molasses Cake

Heirloom Molasses Cake

I get cravings for molasses things—not gingerbread (too wintry), but the kind of cakey stuff that’s inside a shoofly pie, but without the pie’s crust and the wetness. The first time I made this recipe it was too dry, and it collapsed under the crumbs. So the second time, I added eggs and more butter. It was good! It was moist! It was dark and rich because I use organic molasses, and it’s the dark stuff that’s filled with nutritional goodness. It’s total yumness and very quick and easy to make.

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The Drought Diet

The Drought Diet

by guest blogger Wendy Gordon. Scorching temperatures and persistent drought have devastated farms across the United States, sending corn and soybean prices soaring. We live on corn, and as a consequence, our food budgets are extremely vulnerable to weather-driven crashes in the corn market. Let’s talk about how you can tailor your diet to these new drought conditions. Here are six simple steps that can pay off big for your health and for our planet while taking it easy on your wallet.

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The 11 Best Sources of Magnesium

The 11 Best Sources of Magnesium

by guest blogger Morley Robbins. I’m often asked, “Where can I find more magnesium in my diet?” That’s such an important question! In fact, it’s usually the second question people ask me after first wanting to know how its deficiency is related to most, if not all, of their day-to-day symptoms. Magnesium is pervasive in many nutrient-dense foods that our ancestors knew about and relied upon to nourish their “batteries” with this vital master electrolyte. Here are the best sources…

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Eat Starch, Lose Weight

Eat Starch, Lose Weight

by guest blogger John McDougall, MD. Most people have been ingrained with the false notion that starch and carbs make you gain weight. But the body’s metabolism is genetically encoded to run most efficiently on starch. And no amount of willpower, dieting, or wishful thinking will change that fundamental fact.

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Dinner in the Dell

Dinner in the Dell

I’ve read about those beautiful farm dinners, and I’ve even been to one or two big outdoor dinners led by Alice Waters (who probably got the whole thing started), so when I got invited to attend a Dinner in the Dell, I said YES! And I’m so glad I did. What a great way to connect everything together and celebrate.

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People Don't Want to Eat Pesticides

People Don’t Want to Eat Pesticides

by guest blogger Alex Formuzis. Millions of Americans have come to rely on Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce so they can eat plenty of healthy organic and conventional fruits and veggies without a bunch of pesticides. But the Alliance for Food and Farming, a front group for pesticide sprayers, is demanding that we cease publishing our list immediately.

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Reform the Farm Bill

Reform the Farm Bill

by guest blogger, Susan Prolman. This week, the full Senate is working through the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill spends $1 trillion over 10 years and sets food and agriculture policy for our nation. The bill’s title is the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012, but how much reform does it really contain?

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