It’s cliché but true: The only constant is change. Look at nature. It’s never still. Even rocks, given geological time, move. Or look at kids. One minute they are cute babies, the next they are cute but challenging toddlers, and so on. The rule applies to us all: A glance in the mirror reminds us […]
Tag Archives | family

What Happens When You Stop Fighting Change

Too Much Free Stuff
by guest blogger Amanda Harding, writer and blogger My mother-in-law has a motto: “If it’s free, it’s for me!” She’s also really good with money, and I’m really not. So for a while I tried to live by that same motto. I accepted free samples, I clipped coupons, I nodded an enthusiastic “Yes!” whenever someone […]

11 Wishes for Mother’s Day
Since I have been a mother for 63 percent of my life, and have raised/am raising three lovely daughters, I would like to take this opportunity to make some Mother’s Day wishes—as a mother, for mothers, and for everyone out there trying to raise the next generation of good kids. 1. I wish all parents […]

10 Reasons I’m Not That Sad about Going Back to Work
by guest blogger Amanda Harding, writer and blogger Before long, I’ll be back at work instead of home with my baby and toddler. However, unlike last time, I’m not cursing the calendar and frantically crunching numbers trying to figure out how we could possibly survive as a single-income family. Instead, I find a teeny-tiny part […]

Sibling Travelry and the Connections of Motel 6
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer As the parent of an only traveling child, I often wonder what my daughter’s experiences would be like if she had a sibling to share her adventures. Would she enjoy the constant companionship or would she complain that she had to share her […]

Care and Feeding
You haven’t really lived until you’ve heard the claim “It’s not you—it’s me.” Usually it’s in the context of a breakup, and it hurts as much as if someone had said, “You’re a jerk, and I hate you.” Still, sometimes it’s important to recognize that it’s not you; it really is them. Take a kid […]

OK, Hamilton…
If you are at all curious about what is happening in my household lately, you only really need to know two words: Alexander Hamilton. We have been Hamiltoned. My daughter and son-in-law saw the show the third night of its run, and it was all she could talk about for months. For her birthday, I […]

The Gift to Others (and Yourself) That Everyone Will Love
It’s less than two weeks to Christmas, and I haven’t even started my shopping. I’ve been very busy working, attending events, and making sure I can end the year well enough to get a real fresh start next year. But one recent event—a small moment amongst my busy schedule—transformed me. I was introduced to a […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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