If for some reason or another I only had one breakfast left on this planet to eat, I would have huevos rancheros. Dinner or lunch, I might need to go with fried chicken, but breakfast…most definitely huevos rancheros. I have a rule when I travel: If I see Huevos Rancheros on the menu, I must […]
Tag Archives | breakfast

Huevos Rancheros: My Favorite Hefty Breakfast!

My Favorite Healthy Breakfast
OK, let’s get real. This time of year it’s about focusing on health, not indulgence. And as much as some people out there would like to cultivate the fantasy that every morning involves either some sort of breakfast casserole or stack o’ pancakes, the truth is we girls on the go need a reliable breakfast […]

Creamed Chipped Dried Beef on Toast—A Real PA breakfast!
Round these parts, go into any good diner worth its PA Dutch salt and you will see creamed chipped dried beef on toast on the menu. It may sound strange, but it really isn’t. In fact, I’ve decided that it’s the kissing cousin of biscuits and sausage gravy down South. Not sure of the relations […]

Sour Cherry Sauce—and a Yummy Breakfast Parfait
Very soon, the sour cherries will make their fleeting appearance at local farmer’s markets. If we are lucky, they will be out for two to three weeks. If you see them, grab as many as you can, and plan to spend the afternoon or evening pitting them and making the most beautiful magenta/hot pink cherry […]

French Toast—an Organic Breakfast Pleasure
It’s time for a break from my relentless “manifesto-ing.” It’s time for breakfast! After all, it’s hard to keep thinking big, hard thoughts without good food in your belly. My 3-year-old always asks for French toast with “makeup syrup.” That’s maple syrup to the rest of us. As I was making it for us this […]

Pancakes from Scratch in a Pinch
The other weekend my daughter had a sleepover, and I needed to redeem myself with breakfast, since the dinner I’d served the night before was…well…absolutely horrible. It was leftover Chinese food. Unthinkable, right? So, the kids asked for pancakes, and I said yes before I realized I was out of my usual organic mix. And […]

Codfish Cakes (It Must be December)
When I was a kid, codfish cakes were one of my favorite winter breakfasts. I think my mom got the fish from a can. She would slice them into 1-inch circles and fry them up, and I’d gobble them down with ketchup…Heinz 57, of course. You can eat them for dinner, but for some reason […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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