by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer Last year, on the eve of yet another birthday (cue incessant crying and Porsche browsing), I decided I needed a little physical activity to get over my angst. For some then unknown reason, a little voice told me to try running. So I […]
Tag Archives | Andeep Singh

Happy Run-iversary

Marital Chat-iquette
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer It started as a fun informal poll that my husband and I would ask our friends. Question: How much do you talk to your partner at social events? Who knew that our little question would become a bit of a party gag? Here’s […]

Sibling Travelry and the Connections of Motel 6
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer As the parent of an only traveling child, I often wonder what my daughter’s experiences would be like if she had a sibling to share her adventures. Would she enjoy the constant companionship or would she complain that she had to share her […]

Kid Compassion at 30,000 Feet
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer Their fear is palpable as we board the airplane. My 5-year old walks down the aisle, pulling her pink suitcase, happily counting row numbers when a passenger gives me that look. All traveling parents know the look. It’s the look that says, “please, […]

Vacation Packing Tips: The Kid’s Suitcase
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer A new year means new family travels. Yay! It also means lots of packing and unpacking. (Ugh!) When I was a single traveling lady, I would throw random items into my carry-on and be on my way. If I forgot something, who cared? […]

Vancouver for Little Legs
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer I spent my childhood living in Vancouver, British Columbia, and my teenage years wanting to get the hell out of there. Such are the follies of youth. Now, as a mom and a—hopefully—semi-smarter adult living far from home, I realize how ridiculously beautiful […]

Just in Time
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer It’s 7:35 a.m. on Monday morning. My 4-year-old is lying on the floor like a starfish. Her little belly sticking is out from under her shirt, and her pants legs are up to her knees. Note to Mama: Growth spurt—buy new pj’s. Rising from […]

Playing on Planes: In-Flight Entertainment Tips for Flying with Kids
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer I flew my first plane at age 6. Well, kind of. It was on a transatlantic flight to London, England. The captain invited some others kids and me on the flight to visit the cockpit, and even let me (fake) fly the plane! […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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