Search results for ""maya rodale""

The Best Books I Read in 2012

The Best Books I Read in 2012

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. Welcome to the inevitable blog post in which a dedicated reader, author, and list maker recounts her favorite books of the year. It’s happening.

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Best Green Gift Ideas

Best Green Gift Ideas

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. This blog is brought to you by my love of shopping…as well as my love of useful, environmentally friendly things.

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The Great Staycation Writing Retreat

The Great Staycation Writing Retreat

I do my best writing when I’m alone in hotels. In other words, when I am free from the needs, interests, and schedules of other creatures (husband, dog). When I can get into the groove and stay there, I am capable of writing insane quantities in a short period of time. But it’s expensive. So when my husband went out of town on business for a week, I took the opportunity to recreate those productivity-inducing conditions at home, on the cheap. Here’s what I did:

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Five Clutter-Free Gift Ideas

Five Clutter-Free Gift Ideas

When I was a kid, Santa would not come unless I cleaned out my room first. We hauled out bags of trash and donated toys to make room for new stuff. And then, as I got older, I stopped wanting new stuff but still really wanted to clean out my apartment. I love the cleanliness and the lightness that comes from clearing away the clutter. But the holidays…the rooms are an explosion of stuff and clutter. Don’t throw a clutter bomb at someone! Here are some alternative gift ideas that are awesome but won’t get someone kicked out of the cult of less.

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Royal Watching and Royal Reading

Royal Watching and Royal Reading

Fun fact: I was almost Mrs. Prince William and thus the future Queen of England. I had been accepted to St. Andrews University and would have been in the same year as both the prince and Kate Middleton, and was planning to attend except for the outrageous interference of my mother and The Incident Which Shall Not Be Discussed. Had I gone, I do presume I would have snared the prince.

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I'd Like to Thank the Academy…

I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. Confession: Sometimes while sitting on the couch and sipping my morning coffee, I imagine delivering acceptance speeches for awards I have yet to win (or even be nominated for). Is this the height of vanity? Possibly. But imaginary speeches are my way of distilling lessons I’ve been learning about my craft, my career, or myself.

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How to Write a Novel in a Month (The Easy Way!)

How to Write a Novel in a Month (The Easy Way!)

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. November is National Novel Writing Month and in honor of that, I thought I’d share my system (developed over the course of writing 10-plus books) for quickly producing a good novel without a ton of angst and anguish. If cutting yourself off from the world (and Internet) at a five-star hotel with excellent room service is not an option, try the following:

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The First Woman to Run for President

The First Woman to Run for President

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. With the election looming and “the women’s vote” more courted then ever, there’s no better time to share the story of Victoria Woodhull, one of history’s most daring and audacious women. The story of Victoria Woodhull is the story of the first woman to run for president. And the story of the first female stockbroker, the first female publisher, and the most controversial and popular advocate of free love. It’s the story of a woman in late-1800s America the scandalizing the nation with a life that was in her own words “ahead of its time.”

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