How to Make an Aussie Meat Pie from Scratch, Part II: Savory Short Crust

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 Part II of my three-part Aussie Meat recipe series

Why, oh, why is it called a “short” crust? I have no idea. One website says it’s short for “shortening” but really, what crust doesn’t have shortening in it? The only difference I can see from my regular piecrust is that it has more water and a bit of vinegar. Anyway, it’s easy and it works and it tastes delicious. And all I can say is it’s less crumbly than my other piecrusts, for some reason.

Use this for the base crust of any savory pie, and you won’t regret it! I’m sure you can add a spoonful of sugar and make it a sweet crust, too. But the point is Aussie Meat Pies!

Savory Short Crust Pie Dough from Scratch

Yields about 6 individual pies


  • 5 ounces (10 Tablespoons) butter, cut into cubes and softened
  • 2 cups flour, chilled
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1/3 cup cold water


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Place the flour and salt in a bowl. Add the softened chunks of butter and mix together with your fingers.
  3. Combine the vinegar with the water and add to the bowl. Mix until all ingredients are sticking together.
  4. Place the mixture onto a counter dusted with flour, and knead the dough a few times—ONLY A FEW TIMES. It’s OK to still see streaks of butter; that’s what makes it flaky.
  5. If you are making meat pies, divide the dough into 6 balls, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. When you’re ready to make the pies, roll out the dough and put the crusts in the pastry dishes.
  7. Fill with your desired filling, cover with the puff pastry (recipe to come!), and poke a hole on top.
  8. Place in the oven and bake for 35 minutes!

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One Response to How to Make an Aussie Meat Pie from Scratch, Part II: Savory Short Crust

  1. Emily D August 25, 2015 at 12:46 pm #

    Thank you for an awesome recipe! These should make my Aussie husband happy in a few days; )

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