Manicotti from Heaven

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OK, the tomato sauce is made—now what to do with it?

On one of the first trips to my in-laws, before Lou and I were married, my mother-in-law-to-be Rita Cinquino served manicotti. I had never, ever tasted anything so good before. And as much as I loved my husband back then, I have to say the manicotti might have sealed the deal. It certainly was a major factor in my commitment to him. She served it with soft, squishy, white garlic bread, too.

It’s a bit of an effort to make, but so worth it. The secret is that the manicotti shell is made like a crepe. You’ll need about 4 cups of tomato sauce to go with this recipe.

Maria’s Manicotti


The Manicotti Shell:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 eggs
  • Pinch of salt

Shell Directions: With a mixer or whisk, mix the eggs and water. Add the flour and stir with a whisk. With a ladle, pour into a small oiled skillet and make as many crepes as the batter allows (maybe about 10). Pile them on a plate; they won’t stick together.

The Manicotti Filling:

  • 1 pound ricotta cheese
  • 1/3 cup grated Romano cheese
  • 1 egg
  • A few sprigs of chopped parsley
  • Salt & pepper to taste


1. Mix ingredients together in a bowl. Fill each crepe with some filling and roll it up (like a cigar).

2. Add some tomato sauce to the bottom of a casserole dish. Layer the manicotti in the pan. Add the rest of the sauce on top. Bake for about 30 minutes in a 350-degree oven until it’s bubbly. YUMMIFUL!

3. You can also freeze the manicotti separately in plastic bags to cook later in the season. I’ve got 11 in the freezer right now!


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4 Responses to Manicotti from Heaven

  1. Donna in Delaware September 5, 2009 at 9:02 am #

    Boy oh boy does that sound yummy. I can taste it now. I haven’t had manicotti in years. It use to be my all-time favorite Italian meal until I fell in love with a big piece of deep deep dish lasagna. Unfortunately, I have stopped eating a lot of pasta dishes and breads. I will definitely try this recipe though, and if it comes out great, I will reserve it for special friends on special occasions. Thanks again Maria for a timely recipe. I finally located my glasses.

  2. Clippy September 5, 2009 at 8:32 pm #

    My husband just made a most delicious pizza. The toppings: mozarella, freshly picked Blue Ball (heirloom) tomatoes, and garlic. Couldn’t ask for more!

  3. Ruth Ann September 13, 2009 at 5:44 pm #

    I just gained 5 lbs reading the recipes!!! Very good.

  4. Nasreen Kabir April 25, 2011 at 9:44 am #

    Great recipe must make it when I have made more tomato sauce. Can you use anything else in the stuffing?

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