Main Dishes with Meat

I Found My Pill on Blueberry Hill

I Found My Pill on Blueberry Hill

“A Nap after Blueberry Picking” by Joseph Csatari by guest blogger Jeff Csatari, executive editor of special projects for Men’s Health One sign of good health: blue poo. If you eat enough blueberries, that’s what you get. But have you seen the price of organic blueberries, even now during peak season? A quart costs $8 […]

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Perfect Salmon

Perfect Salmon

It never fails. If I ask my kids what they want for dinner, given anything, they almost always ask for salmon. I love it when they do because it’s so healthy, so easy, and so delicious! I’ve found a way to make it that makes everyone happy, and it’s totally quick. 1. The first key […]

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Damper and Dip: An Aboriginal Tradition

Damper and Dip: An Aboriginal Tradition

Every once in a while something magical happens because of my blogging (and it’s why I keep at it). This time, I was looking at the comments from one of the blogs from my time in Australia and I noticed an offer I couldn’t refuse: an offer for “Nana’s Damper and Dip” from an Aboriginal woman.

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My Favorite Holiday Recipes

My Favorite Holiday Recipes

It’s Christmas Eve! I’m not sure what you will be doing, but I know I’m wrapping presents and preparing to feast on favorite holiday foods. This year, I just have my immediate family and everyone is pitching in. I’ll be making a lot of last-minute decisions about what to eat. However, I thought if you needed some ideas I’d share some of my all-time classics.

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Ode to the Club Sandwich

Ode to the Club Sandwich

It started this summer after a golf game when I got a sudden terrible craving for a club sandwich. The public course I played on didn’t serve them, and neither did the pub down the street. And so I went without. Until Thanksgiving. And then I saw all that leftover turkey and knew What Must Be Done.

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Chicken Potpie from Scratch

Chicken Potpie from Scratch

Chicken potpie is all about the crust. The Pennsylvania Dutch call a soup with square homemade noodles chicken potpie, but try serving that to friends and family and getting away with it. (Trust me, I tried it once.) It’s good, mind you. But it’s not the same as a good crust. Real crust. It’s all about the crust. Here’s my recipe…

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Maria's Roasted Pork, Cabbage, and Garlic Butter Sandwich

Maria’s Roasted Pork, Cabbage,
and Garlic Butter Sandwich

Once, a very long time ago, I was in Puerto Rico with my brother-in-law, who lived there at the time and spoke fluent Spanish. He took us for lunch at this very casual restaurant on a side street in Old San Juan. He said we had to have Cubano sandwiches, but I told him I don’t like Swiss cheese and asked if he could order a substitute. I proceeded to have the most delicious, yummiful, and tasty sandwich that I can ever remember.

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Chicken Fried Steak, at Last

Chicken Fried Steak, at Last

I was in Austin, Texas, for the South by Southwest Eco Conference and was hanging out with Tom Phillpot, a native Texan. We were searching for a good restaurant within walking distance (not too many choices) and we got to talking about chicken fried steak (CFS). “That’s it,” I said, “I’m making it as soon as I get home.” And so I did. And it was good. And the leftovers were consumed at breakfast the next morning.

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