by guest blogger Toni Becker, member of the Rodale’s editorial team When you’ve lived for a long time and are well traveled, your story can get complicated, be misrepresented by others, or if you’re really lucky, become the thing of legends. That’s the case with denim. In today’s world, denim is a modern-yet-classic, fashionable-yet-casual staple […]
Organic Issues

Denim, a Legendary History

A Safer Pregnancy Beauty Routine
by Maria Luci, editor at Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen and Rodale’s Let us begin by saying a big congrats to all the mamas-to-be! Pregnancy means entering a wonderful period filled with love, hope, and happiness—as well as the bonus of glowing skin and luscious locks! However, it’s also a time to be extra careful about […]

The Easy Way You Can Help Save the Monarchs
by guest blogger Claudia Allen, avid amateur gardener Since 1990, more than 90 percent of monarch butterflies have disappeared. The good news: you can help. With their distinctive orange, black, and white markings, monarchs are the one butterfly most of us can identify. So familiar, in fact, that we might take them for granted. But […]

8 Great Ways to Celebrate the Earth this Summer
by Maria Luci, editor at Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen and Rodale’s Last week we celebrated Earth Day! We expressed our gratitude for all that our wonderful planet has to offer us—and supported protecting the environment and making the earth a healthier, more peaceful place for all. But beyond Earth Day, there are many ways to […]

Eating in Season: Spring Fruits and Vegetables
by guest blogger Toni Becker, member of the Rodale’s editorial team Looking for a cleaner, more sustainable diet? Start by eating seasonally. In today’s world of mass production and far-flung distribution, the seasons blend together. Fruits and veggies that used to be available just once a year can now be found 365 days a year. […]

A Clean Start: 3 Ways to Lower Your Body’s Chemical Burden in 2016
by guest blogger Ava Anderson, safe products advocate The new year is here! Follow these 3 steps to reduce your body’s exposure to harmful chemicals throughout 2016: 1. Skip the fragrance/parfum. The term fragrance can hide an untold number of chemicals in everything from toothpaste, shampoo, and soap to deodorant and dryer sheets. The International […]

12 Simple Ways to Make This Your Healthiest, Happiest Year Ever
by Maria Luci, editor at Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen and Rodale’s Happy New Year! There’s nothing more freeing than the beginning of a brand-new year; it’s a fresh start, a chance to begin anew and assess the things you truly want out of life. It’s also the perfect time to go organic! Here are 12 […]

Celebrating the Year of the Soil
I know, I know, Christmas is just a few days away—why think about soil right now? The truth is, now is the perfect time to celebrate soil because many of you probably have a tree in your homes that was just recently growing in soil. What better reminder is there to appreciate the soil that […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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