Everybody loves to get on the school-lunch-reform bandwagon, which I think is fantastic and very important. As a kid, I was a witness to the transformation of public school lunches from hot homemade food served on real dishes to prewrapped, premade food served on disposable paper trays. (Although, somehow, the same feeling was there for […]
Organic Food

Hamburger Hash: School Lunch, Circa 1973

ABC Kitchen – Worth the
Work to Get a Table!
I tried all the regular means to get a table at ABC Kitchen, the new restaurant by Jean Georges. Opentable.com. Calling. Well, I only tried a few times. I thought I should get special treatment since I spend so much money at ABC Home, the store where the restaurant resides. But no. I had to […]

How to Dry (and Fry) Cayenne Peppers
Every year I plant one or two cayenne pepper plants and then, one August day, go out and find them exploding with hot, red, dangerously delightful-looking peppers. I pick them all at once, and in a matter of minutes, have them prepared and preserved to last the whole winter, when I know I will need […]

Lunch Lessons: Recipe for Success
by guest blogger Ann Cooper Our children’s health and our nation’s school food did not change for the worse overnight, but we can’t put the brakes on the damage it is doing fast enough. Read on for my Recipe for Success for school lunches. A strong school-lunch program eliminates highly processed foods and puts a […]

Lunch Lessons: Back to School 2011
by guest blogger Ann Cooper Not a day goes by without the media addressing America’s growing obesity crisis, and lately the discussion has settled on our children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that if American children don’t get their weight in check, their anticipated health problems will significantly shorten their […]

A Whole New (Organic) World
by guest blogger Holly Walck Moving 5,000 miles away from home is, for sure, a challenging experience on many levels. For example, the isolation from friends and family with whom you share a common language and the upheaval of one’s daily routine from the known to the unknown, can make for some tough times. But […]

Cut Salt, Increase Your Longevity
By guest blogger Dr. Mao Shing Ni, DOM, PhD, ABAAHP, LAc; author of the best-selling book Secrets of Longevity The average American consumes about one and a half teaspoons of sodium (about 3,400 milligrams) a day, far exceeding the national dietary recommendation of no more than 2,300 milligrams, or one teaspoon, a day. There is overwhelming […]

An (Organic) American Girl in Istanbul
by guest blogger Holly Walck, Iyengar yoga practitioner and teacher in Bethlehem, PA, and Istanbul, Turkey What do you mean there’s no celery? For several years now, I have had the good fortune to be Maria’s Yoga teacher. Most Sundays we meet for two hours, with a few minutes spent to catch up on the week’s […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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