Organic Food

Savory Pumpkin Soup

Savory Pumpkin Soup

Once, a long time ago, on the Carribean Island of St. John, on the far side of the island in a little shack of a restaurant surrounded by goats and lapping waves, we had pumpkin soup that tasted like heaven. I’ve had many kinds of pumpkin soup since then, all competing for “as good as” […]

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Escarole and Pomegranate Salad

Escarole and Pomegranate Salad

Once my nephew had a girlfriend from Spain. For the holidays, they brought an escarole and pomegranate salad to dinner that I’ve been wanting to make it ever since. I’ve recreated it from taste and description, and it’s good. My kids kept asking me “What IS escarole?” And I tried to describe it. Like a […]

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Honoring Our Heritage

Honoring Our Heritage

by guest blogger “Coach” Mark Smallwood, Rodale Institute executive director There is much to be learned from our ancestors. Our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents had deep roots in agriculture. Modern organic farming is based on the philosophy that we must learn from past generations and modernize those lessons for current agricultural conditions. However, as generations […]

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Escarole, Farro, and Chicken Soup

Escarole, Farro, and Chicken Soup

I’d been craving escarole in soup for years—hence the long search for organic escarole. There’s just something about escarole in a soup that is so clean and nourishing. When I served this soup at dinner (along with some garlic-butter toast) it was accompanied only by a long silence and the sounds of slurping and the […]

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Stocking up on Seasonal Super Foods

Stocking up on Seasonal Super Foods

by guest blogger Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, integrative medicine pioneer Our relationship with food is constantly evolving. In the past few years, many of us have embraced localism, doing the extra work to find items that are locally grown and raised rather than shipped thousands of miles from foreign locations. We do this for […]

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The Oldest Continuous Farmers' Market in America

The Oldest Continuous Farmers’ Market in America

Yes, I’ve known about it for a long time, but it took me just as long to get my butt over to Easton to visit the oldest continuously running farmers’ market in America. The Easton Farmers’ Market is held Saturday mornings from 10 to 2, and for some reason I just never could get over […]

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Maria’s Five Favorites: Feeling Thankful! Now Let's Get Cooking!

Maria’s Five Favorites: Feeling Thankful! Now Let’s Get Cooking!

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I’d like to give thanks for a wonderful year for Rodale that included the opening of Rodale’s. I’m also thankful for all the amazing food that Thanksgiving offers! And to help you get cooking, here are five of my favorite kitchen pantry essentials, perfect for making this year’s holiday meals […]

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You Are What Your Grandparents Ate

You Are What Your Grandparents Ate

by guest blogger Pam Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, best-selling author and expert on health, fitness, and nutrition At some point, you’ve learned that “you are what you eat.” Consume junk food and your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer skyrockets. Grab an apple instead of a Twinkie, and your body rewards you with a strengthened […]

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