Happy 4th of July! Here’s to a day hopefully filled with good food, good friends, and good music! Wishing you health, healing, and happiness. —Maria Related Posts:Fourth of July PlaylistHappy Independence Day!Fourth of July Craft: Sunprint Fireworks Jars
Random Thoughts

What Happens When You Stop Fighting Change
It’s cliché but true: The only constant is change. Look at nature. It’s never still. Even rocks, given geological time, move. Or look at kids. One minute they are cute babies, the next they are cute but challenging toddlers, and so on. The rule applies to us all: A glance in the mirror reminds us […]

Can the LGBT Community Do What Has Never Been Done Before?
If all the voices of the parents, family, and friends grieving 27 schoolchildren and teachers couldn’t significantly affect the gun laws in America, what can? In the aftermath of the tragedy in Orlando, I think the voice of the LGBT community might be our best chance to drive the conversation forward to get the job […]

Too Much Free Stuff
by guest blogger Amanda Harding, writer and blogger My mother-in-law has a motto: “If it’s free, it’s for me!” She’s also really good with money, and I’m really not. So for a while I tried to live by that same motto. I accepted free samples, I clipped coupons, I nodded an enthusiastic “Yes!” whenever someone […]

Can a Simple Question Cause a Communication Breakdown?
by guest blogger Pam Fullerton, psychotherapist and writer Have you ever experienced the following in a relationship? Everything is going well, you feel connected, you’re enjoying one another, and then…Boom! Suddenly, you’re in a full-blown argument. And what’s worse, you didn’t see it coming. I’ve personally experienced this in my marriage. I feel sad and […]

Marital Chat-iquette
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer It started as a fun informal poll that my husband and I would ask our friends. Question: How much do you talk to your partner at social events? Who knew that our little question would become a bit of a party gag? Here’s […]

Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day! Looking for some tasty recipes? Try these: Broccoli and Bacon Summer Salad Quick and Easy Grilled Lemon Garlic Chicken Maria’s Fried Country Chicken My Grandmother’s Potato Salad Non-Mayo Coleslaw Iced Green-Ginger-Mint Tea Glazed Fresh Blueberry and Strawberry Pie with Whipped Cream Wishing you health, healing, and happiness! —Maria Related Posts:Easy Bacon & […]

Cooking from Scratch Just Got Super Easy!
The other day Gary from Prepress walked by my office and told me he’d been prepping my cookbook, Scratch, for the printer and commented that all the recipes looked so good and so easy. “But,” he said, “I’m afraid. I’m afraid I’ll mess something up. Is it really as easy as you make it look?” […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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