by guest blogger Pam Fullerton, psychotherapist and writer Do you ever feel lonely in your relationship? Do you crave a deepened connection with your partner? This is an important topic for all of us. In order to shed light on the subject, I’m going to share an intimate conversation that I had with my mentor, […]
Love & Family
How Partnering Deepens Your Love
11 Wishes for Mother’s Day
Since I have been a mother for 63 percent of my life, and have raised/am raising three lovely daughters, I would like to take this opportunity to make some Mother’s Day wishes—as a mother, for mothers, and for everyone out there trying to raise the next generation of good kids. 1. I wish all parents […]
The Mathematics of Work-Life-Travel Balance
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer It seemed like a really smart idea. In fact, the math was so easy that it practically solved itself. 1 work trip to the Bahamas + 1 husband + 1 kid = The perfect combination of business and pleasure. Work meets the family vacation. […]
Are You a Real Runner?
by guest blogger Mark Remy, Runner’s World columnist and author In my new book, Runners of North America—A Definitive Guide to the Species, I analyze 23 types of runners, from The Newbie (Lopus novus) to The Serial Marathoner (Lopus pheidippidus), with tongue-in-cheek descriptions of their appearance, habitat, feeding behavior, and so on. I’ve encountered all […]
10 Reasons I’m Not That Sad about Going Back to Work
by guest blogger Amanda Harding, writer and blogger Before long, I’ll be back at work instead of home with my baby and toddler. However, unlike last time, I’m not cursing the calendar and frantically crunching numbers trying to figure out how we could possibly survive as a single-income family. Instead, I find a teeny-tiny part […]
Sibling Travelry and the Connections of Motel 6
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer As the parent of an only traveling child, I often wonder what my daughter’s experiences would be like if she had a sibling to share her adventures. Would she enjoy the constant companionship or would she complain that she had to share her […]
Care and Feeding
You haven’t really lived until you’ve heard the claim “It’s not you—it’s me.” Usually it’s in the context of a breakup, and it hurts as much as if someone had said, “You’re a jerk, and I hate you.” Still, sometimes it’s important to recognize that it’s not you; it really is them. Take a kid […]
What Do We Mean by Honesty in a Relationship?
by guest blogger Pam Fullerton, psychotherapist and writer When it comes to romantic relationships, what is the most important thing you look for in a person? Although many will have a different answer, the one thing that tops the list for most people (or at least makes their top 3!) is honesty. I agree, honesty […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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