by guest blogger Anne Alexander, editorial director, Prevention Over the past couple of years, I have developed a food obsession. Not as in “I am obsessed with grape tomatoes or mint chocolate,” which I am. No, I’ve set my sights on sugar. Woe is the person who mentions the American diet or diabetes or processed […]
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How to Get Rid of Secrets? Tell Them
by guest blogger Cristina Negrón I never wanted to sign up for Facebook. All of the friending friends, unfriending friends, poking friends, tagging friends…it sounded like a lot of work to me. I wanted to hang out with my friends; I didn’t want to manage them. Nor did I want to disclose lots of personal […]
What If You Knew You Only Had One Chance?
Photo: (cc) Kokalola/Flickr I know many of you don’t have the same love of Bruce Springsteen that I do; however, this is about more than just Bruce. But it was a Bruce moment that got me thinking about the topic of “just one chance.” It all started two weeks before the release of Bruce’s anxiously […]
Rule #1: Make Fewer Rules
by guest blogger Renee James, essayist and blogger According to Urban Dictionary—and maybe Liz Lemon—a deal breaker in a relationship is “the catch” that one cannot overlook in a particular individual and ultimately outweighs any redeeming quality he or she may have. Or it may be some aspect of a deal you make (to take […]
5 Ways To Stop Climate Chaos Now
Let’s face it: Climate change, global warming, whatever you call it—but one thing it is for sure is climate chaos—seems so overwhelming that most of us simply shut down emotionally and mentally when we see another headline that says the world is ending sooner rather than later. Even I shut down occasionally! OK, more than […]
On Becoming Fearless
by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels Like any sane person, I was afraid to ride a bike through New York City. But The Husband persuaded me to venture out with him to the safe, protected, beautiful paths along the West Side Highway or through Central Park. To get there, […]
12 Days of Winter Meditations: Day 12
Happy New Year: Renewal It’s a fresh start to a brand new year. Hopefully, you are starting it feeling rested, refreshed, and with a list—even if it’s just in your head—of dreams for the coming year. Every day is a new day, but there is only one New Year’s Day each year. I wish you […]
12 Days of Winter Meditations: Day 11
Dreaming: Visualization I’m a believer in the power of dreaming to create the future you want. I think sometimes people look at my life and think maybe it’s been easy or that I’ve been given everything I need. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every single one of us has been given something, and […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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