by guest blogger Mark Kintzel, designer It’s apple season! Time for making apple pies, apple crisps, applesauce (yum), and all kinds of other delicious treats. And what does one do with a plethora of apple goodies? Host an autumn party! And since you already have apples on hand, why not decorate with these gorgeous fruits, […]
Love & Family
Whatever Happened to Carpe Diem?
by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger From coast to coast, the following is happening in homes across the country: Parents are walking past open bedroom doors and pausing. These empty rooms have bedcovers that remain smoothly in place and drawers and closet doors that remain closed. They have no keys thrown on a […]
21 Ways to Deal with Sadness
Depression gets a lot of press and attention these days. But sadness is a different thing. Sadness is the feeling that comes from an unhappy event. Now, if you don’t deal with it, sadness can become chronic and lead to depression. This is why you might want to learn to deal with it when it […]
Light on Iyengar: My Little Yoga Story
I first started taking yoga 17 years ago. How do I remember that number exactly? Well, I was pregnant with my now 17-year-old daughter and really wanted to find a yoga teacher who could help me through the pregnancy. And that leads one quickly to Iyengar yoga, since it is the most cautious and health-focused […]
I Almost Quit Writing; This Book Is Why I Didn’t
by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels Earlier this year, I almost quit writing. The hours are endless, the pay is wildly unpredictable, and writing emotionally driven books is draining. So in pursuit of a new career, I took classes, applied for jobs, and imagined a life without deadlines. But […]
10 Easy Back-to-School Breakfasts
With the return of school comes the age-old question, “What do you want for breakfast?” We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day—or at least it’s the first meal of the day, and the day always seems to go better when it starts with a good meal. I still remember […]
Happy Labor Day!
With the end of summer rapidly approaching and kids returning to school, it’s good to remember that knowledge and wisdom come from a multitude of sources. A life well lived is one in which the learning never stops and knowledge grows and grows, with a healthy understanding that this mystery we call life (and the […]
Some Favorite Music Revisited
Photo: (cc) Alive87/Flickr, license from Creative Commons 2.0 Last week we honored the sixth birthday of Maria’s farm Country Kitchen with a couple of old favorites from the kitchen. Today, I’d like to bring it back to music. But instead of reposting my favorite music blogs in their entirety, I’ve put together playlists of all […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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