
Yoga to Transform a Bad Day

Yoga to Transform a Bad Day

by Holly Walck, devoted Iyengar yoga student and teacher When I was asked to write on this topic, the first thought I had was, “How can I write a blog about bad days when I don’t have them anymore?” It had been so long since I was unable to be seated in gratitude (which leads […]

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Saying Goodbye to Summer

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed my 14 days of summer meditations. For those of you who followed along, thank you. Even though summer doesn’t officially end until the autumn equinox, Labor Day always feels like the “official” end, so I hope you have a great one today! In case you missed the series—enjoy! 14 […]

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14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 14

14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 14

Ice Cream: Creation Does anyone out there NOT like ice cream? Ice cream is an essential ritual of celebrating summer—the coolness and sweetness are the perfect contrast to the heat. Someone somewhere invented ice cream. It was a human creation. Isn’t that amazing? What do you wish you could create? If you could create anything, […]

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14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 13

14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 13

Gathering: Connection Maybe it’s an outdoor concert, a festival, a picnic, or all three. But summer is a time when people gather. They might be friends and family or they might be strangers, but it’s hard to go through a summer without some kind of gathering. Even if you are strangers, there is something that […]

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14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 12

14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 12

The Road: The Journey Summer is a time of road trips. The road, of course, is a metaphor for life. Where are you going? Where do you want to go? Are you going where others want you to go or where you have always dreamed of going? Plan the ultimate road trip for you in […]

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14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 11

14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 11

Swimming: Joy There are few things more joyful to me than swimming. I’m not talking about doing laps. I’m talking about jumping in and playing. Or floating on a raft. Floating on your back and looking up at the sky. Swimming naked!!! Are you the kind of person that goes in, or do you stay […]

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14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 10

14 Days of Summer, a Meditation:
Day 10

River: Surrender My favorite mental image from reading about Tantra is that the secret to happiness is floating as if you’re in a river. We are all travelling together in a river of time, and you can fight it or try to swim upstream or you can just surrender and float in the current, letting […]

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14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day Nine

14 Days of Summer, a Meditation:
Day Nine

Ponds: Reflection Ponds are mysterious. They mostly reflect the sky rather than reveal what is below. Some people are ocean people, others are pond and lake people, but the mystery of the pond is about delving deeper. Life is often like the surface of the pond, a visual illusion. It’s nothing, really, but water reflecting […]

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