by Maria Luci, editor at Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen and Rodale’s So you’re headed off on a summer weekend getaway! But first, the dreaded (yet necessary) packing adventure begins… This time, instead of making a last-minute attempt to stuff your entire closet into the largest suitcase you own, take a few minutes to read through […]

How to Pack for Your Weekend Getaway

Rodale’s: Proud to Be a Woman-Owned Business
by guest blogger Amanda Harding, copywriter at Rodale’s We invented organic. Founded in 1942 by JI Rodale—grandfather of current CEO and Chairman Maria Rodale—Rodale Inc. is a publishing company that has transformed the way the world thinks about food, fitness, health, and farming. The organic movement that has become so popular in modern times actually […]

8 Tips for Surviving Road Trip Motion Sickness
by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer Summer is ubiquitous with vacations. And none is more iconic than the summer time road trip; piling into the family station wagon, hands flying in the wind, rest stops to unknown locales meeting random, well-intentioned strangers. Of course, Hollywood is no stranger to […]

What Happens When You Stop Fighting Change
It’s cliché but true: The only constant is change. Look at nature. It’s never still. Even rocks, given geological time, move. Or look at kids. One minute they are cute babies, the next they are cute but challenging toddlers, and so on. The rule applies to us all: A glance in the mirror reminds us […]

Happy Summer!
Here’s to a healthy, healing, and happy summer! Related Posts:How to Keep That Feeling of Vacation Anticipation All Year Long14 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 1414 Days of Summer, a Meditation: Day 13

Prevention Magazine and the New (Print) Health Revolution
The print magazine industry is having a health crisis. Amidst a culture of rampant free content, publishers have cut deals for advertisers and agencies to match the downward spiral of digital prices. Costs are going up everywhere as everyone wants to grow and earn more money, yet this culture of discounting rewards everyone for paying […]

Can a Simple Question Cause a Communication Breakdown?
by guest blogger Pam Fullerton, psychotherapist and writer Have you ever experienced the following in a relationship? Everything is going well, you feel connected, you’re enjoying one another, and then…Boom! Suddenly, you’re in a full-blown argument. And what’s worse, you didn’t see it coming. I’ve personally experienced this in my marriage. I feel sad and […]

12 Exercises for the Soul
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how we as a culture spend so much time focused on physical exercise—on our physical bodies and our physical world—and perhaps not as much time as we should on exercising our souls and spirit. Whether you go to church or not, or even believe in God or […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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