by guest blogger Caroline Praderio, food and nutrition writer for Prevention magazine and When you think of the best sources of potassium, you probably default to bananas. In fact, most people are hard-pressed to think of any other source of potassium, the essential mineral that works to aid communication between nerves and muscles and […]
Health & Fitness

7 Foods That Have More Potassium than a Banana

Prevention Magazine and the New (Print) Health Revolution
The print magazine industry is having a health crisis. Amidst a culture of rampant free content, publishers have cut deals for advertisers and agencies to match the downward spiral of digital prices. Costs are going up everywhere as everyone wants to grow and earn more money, yet this culture of discounting rewards everyone for paying […]

7 ‘Disease Stoppers’ You Need to Know About
by guest blogger Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS There’s a pill for just about every condition on the planet. But did you ever take a look at the long list of side effects associated with conventional treatments? Luckily, your body wants to be well, and there are plenty of natural ways you can pump up […]

Maria’s 5 Favorites: Bug Off…Naturally!
Yes! My favorite season is finally here with all its joys! I’ve always loved summer most of all, but the season is not without its downsides, a big one being the pesky bugs it brings. And yes, I know that many bugs are beneficial and necessary, but that doesn’t mean they need to hang around […]

12 Exercises for the Soul
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how we as a culture spend so much time focused on physical exercise—on our physical bodies and our physical world—and perhaps not as much time as we should on exercising our souls and spirit. Whether you go to church or not, or even believe in God or […]

6 Natural Ways to Keep Bugs at Bay
by guest blogger Toni Becker, member of the Rodale’s editorial team Being outdoors at this time of year is delightful…until you’re attacked by an unrelenting swarm of pesky insects. Besides being annoying, pests like mosquitoes and ticks can pose serious health threats, such as West Nile virus and Lyme disease, and newer threats like Zika […]

9 Ways to Use Hemp Oil In Body Care (And Why You’d Want To)
by guest blogger Lisa Bronner, writer of the blog Going Green with a Bronner Mom There are a lot of superlative claims about hemp oil: most unsaturated oil, best essential fatty acids (EFA) ratio and combination, highest amino acid variety, only plant source of vitamin D. Can one oil be all that? In short, yes. Before […]

Apply Safely—A Sunscreen Safety Guide
by guest blogger Toni Becker, member of the Rodale’s editorial team Sunshine is great, but the sun’s rays? Not so much. Both UVA and UVB rays pose serious health risks, such as premature aging, eye damage, and skin cancers. While the skincare industry has made many advances in creating sun-protective products over the years, just […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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