Organic Food

Bacon and Egg Spaghetti. Seriously.

Bacon and Egg Spaghetti. Seriously.

Then, the other night, I made a huge batch of my sauce from scratch and there was a little bit left over (not enough to freeze) and I had a big plate of leftover bacon that I had already cooked, and I thought to myself…eggs….bacon…spaghetti….hmmm. Worth a try! I mean, any meat in sauce is usually good. Oh yes!

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How to Eat Vegetables

How to Eat Vegetables

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. We all know we should eat our vegetables. But I realized something the other day: We don’t always know how. If you didn’t grow up experiencing food in different states of being, food can be mysterious and possibly scary. I know that potatoes come with dirt on them and it’s OK. I know that most fruits and vegetables can come in “weird” shapes—only because they grew next to a branch or something—and they’re still perfectly delicious.

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Pickled Pepper Cabbage

Pickled Pepper Cabbage

I’ve been thinking about trying to make Pickled Pepper Cabbage for years. It used to be easy to buy premade in these parts, and now…not so much. And every once in a while, I get a hankering. Then I went to an awesome dinner out in a Pennsylvania field and sat next to a man named Craig Koller. He promised to send me his mother’s recipe and he did.

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Heirloom Molasses Cake

Heirloom Molasses Cake

I get cravings for molasses things—not gingerbread (too wintry), but the kind of cakey stuff that’s inside a shoofly pie, but without the pie’s crust and the wetness. The first time I made this recipe it was too dry, and it collapsed under the crumbs. So the second time, I added eggs and more butter. It was good! It was moist! It was dark and rich because I use organic molasses, and it’s the dark stuff that’s filled with nutritional goodness. It’s total yumness and very quick and easy to make.

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Maria's Authentic Eggplant Parmesan

Maria’s Authentic Eggplant Parmesan

I never liked Eggplant Parmesan growing up. But then I had the courage to try it again at an Italian family reunion. I was stunned that it could be the same relative ingredients yet taste so different. So good! So I tracked down the cousin responsible and got her general description and recreated it. It was good! It’s a little labor intensive, but worth the effort.

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Spaghetti in a Snap!

Spaghetti in a Snap!

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. It’s that time of year when tomatoes are in abundance and when you don’t want to be standing over a hot stove any longer than necessary, which means superfast tomato-based recipes are required. Here’s my latest favorite—which takes just 15 to 20 minutes, and most of that is just waiting for water to boil.

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Broccoli and Bacon Summer Salad

Broccoli and Bacon Summer Salad

Every once in a while I get a hankering for that broccoli bacon salad that is so popular at certain cafés and parties and supermarkets. But it’s usually a bit too heavy, rich, sweet, and filled with unexpected surprises like raisins. (Gack!) So this summer I was determined to make a version that is just as yummy and not as thick and goopy as the usual one.

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Duck Confit the Real Parisian Way

Duck Confit the Real Parisian Way

I will always remember the first time I had Duck Confit. It was during my first trip to Europe as an adult was with my daughter, Maya, when she was 9 years old. We didn’t know what Duck Confit was, but it sounded recognizable. And so we ordered it. Oh! The pleasure!

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