Organic Food

Perfect Salmon

Perfect Salmon

It never fails. If I ask my kids what they want for dinner, given anything, they almost always ask for salmon. I love it when they do because it’s so healthy, so easy, and so delicious! I’ve found a way to make it that makes everyone happy, and it’s totally quick. 1. The first key […]

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Lobster-Avocado Salad: A Quick and Easy Delicious Luxury

Lobster-Avocado Salad: A Quick and Easy Delicious Luxury

I wanted something quick and easy yet indulgent without being unhealthy. For days I had been craving the combination of lobster and avocado, so I whipped this up for my girls and me, and guess what? We ate the whole thing!

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Banana-Peanut-Chocolate-Coconut Super Cookie!

Banana-Peanut-Chocolate-Coconut Super Cookie!

So I saw this recipe on Facebook for a superhealthy cookie with mashed bananas as the base and I made them (substituting the raisins—blech!—with dried sour cherries—yum!). But they were…not that great. However, I really liked the concept, and I was determined to make them to the whole family’s liking. So I fiddled around and came up with this version that has been deemed Very Good by everyone. Let me know what you think.

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Yogurt Cake

Yogurt Cake

Everybody has a first time. Mine was the summer after fifth grade when I took a special painting class with my fifth-grade art teacher. And then I did it. I asked someone for a recipe…

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Damper and Dip: An Aboriginal Tradition

Damper and Dip: An Aboriginal Tradition

Every once in a while something magical happens because of my blogging (and it’s why I keep at it). This time, I was looking at the comments from one of the blogs from my time in Australia and I noticed an offer I couldn’t refuse: an offer for “Nana’s Damper and Dip” from an Aboriginal woman.

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Grilled Marinated Eggplant with Mint

Grilled Marinated Eggplant with Mint

The other day, the mint finally popped up in my garden. I couldn’t wait to cook something with it. And then I saw the perfect organic eggplant in the store and I knew just what to do.

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Foraging for Fiddlehead Ferns

Foraging for Fiddlehead Ferns

by guest blogger Tim Mountz. As a farmer I revel in spring, with its quick weather changes, cracking buds, chorus of flowers, and dramatic transformation of landscape. In spring we farmers return to the fields to till the soil, but we also return to the woods to forage.

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The Case for Heirlooms: More than Just a Pretty Plate

The Case for Heirlooms:
More than Just a Pretty Plate

by guest blogger Robyn Jasko. Growing heirlooms is a great way to preserve the flavor, sustainability, and legacy of these unique varieties for generations to come. Unlike hybrid plants, heirloom vegetables produce seeds that will grow into a variety identical to their parent plant. This means that if you grow heirlooms in your garden, you can grow your own seed supply and be completely self-reliant.

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