The print magazine industry is having a health crisis. Amidst a culture of rampant free content, publishers have cut deals for advertisers and agencies to match the downward spiral of digital prices. Costs are going up everywhere as everyone wants to grow and earn more money, yet this culture of discounting rewards everyone for paying […]
By Maria
Prevention Magazine and the New (Print) Health Revolution
12 Exercises for the Soul
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how we as a culture spend so much time focused on physical exercise—on our physical bodies and our physical world—and perhaps not as much time as we should on exercising our souls and spirit. Whether you go to church or not, or even believe in God or […]
Cooking from Scratch Just Got Super Easy!
The other day Gary from Prepress walked by my office and told me he’d been prepping my cookbook, Scratch, for the printer and commented that all the recipes looked so good and so easy. “But,” he said, “I’m afraid. I’m afraid I’ll mess something up. Is it really as easy as you make it look?” […]
It’s Time to Have the Conversations
Lately, I’ve noticed that there are many people who would rather live quietly and comfortably miserable in their dissatisfaction than muster up the courage to get out of it. And getting out of it is probably as simple as having a conversation. The older I get and the more work on myself I’ve done, the […]
Spring Greens after a Long Winter
The spring greens are coming in! This past weekend, I had fiddlehead ferns in Maine. And the weekend before that, I made my first salad from my garden here in Pennsylvania, pinching off a few tiny leaves and herbs from each plant. Oh, the flavor! Fresh basil and parsley! The tenderest greens, and they would […]
11 Wishes for Mother’s Day
Since I have been a mother for 63 percent of my life, and have raised/am raising three lovely daughters, I would like to take this opportunity to make some Mother’s Day wishes—as a mother, for mothers, and for everyone out there trying to raise the next generation of good kids. 1. I wish all parents […]
Spring-Clean Your Wardrobe
Full disclosure: This is a blatant self-promotion for my e-commerce store, Rodale’s. This past weekend, I was just thinking to myself…hmmm…it’s time to do the spring-cleaning of my closet (when I switch out the winter clothes to the summer stuff, donate what I don’t wear anymore, and get rid of any personal care products that […]
#EarthGratitude Wave 2016: 10 Ways to Show Your Love for the Earth
What I love about Earth Day is that not only is it a herald of true spring and summer, but it’s also a reminder of how we should be treating the earth every day. It’s like Mother’s day: Moms are awesome, but they often aren’t appreciated as much as they should be until their special […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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