
An Open Letter to President Obama

Dear President Obama,

I have been a devoted supporter of your presidency up until now. But by allowing the complete deregulation of GMO/GE alfalfa, and now sugar beets, you have unleashed another wave of UNCONTAINABLE contamination on this planet. These toxic crops not only exist so that companies like Monsanto can make more money by selling more toxic chemicals that destroy our environment and our climate, but also the human diseases that these chemicals cause are at the root of the health issues you claim are so important to you and your family, including: cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, ADHD, childhood leukemia, organ failure, infertility, birth defects, and reduced intelligence.

I am extremely disappointed that you gave in to the bullying of Monsanto and its legion of lobbyists, all paid for by the corrupt subsidies of the American Farm Bill.

If you really want to create jobs, support organic farmers. If you really want to lower taxes, support organic farmers. If you really want to improve the health of people and the planet, support organic farmers. If you really care about developing a healthy, smart, and educated future American population, you MUST support organic farmers. If you really want to stop climate change, support organic farmers.

What on earth were you thinking? You are obviously an intelligent man. Please develop the courage and strength that the American people require of you and make the right decisions for all of us for the long term. Ultimately, your most important job is to protect America and the American people. By deregulating GE/GMO alfalfa and sugar beets, you have failed.

Most sincerely,
Maria Rodale
CEO and Chairman of Rodale Inc.
author of Organic Manifesto: How Organic Farming Can Heal Our Planet, Feed the World, and Keep Us Safe


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53 Responses to An Open Letter to President Obama

  1. Gabriela Koehler March 2, 2011 at 11:13 pm #

    Although I don’t entirely agree with the UTPP guy,(above post) I certainly agree with you, Maria. Thank you for this important well written letter.
    I still remember Obamas Inauguration speech
    Come to think of it, he also is responsible for the mass killing of our honey bees.
    If I myself want to write a letter to him, would Obama, white hous/dc be enough?

  2. Gabriela Koehler March 2, 2011 at 11:15 pm #

    I actually wrote about his Inauguration speech”yes we CAN. what BS

  3. Delonte June 22, 2011 at 10:56 am #

    Great post with lots of imprtoant stuff.

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