Roasted Squash, Seeds, and Greens Salad

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If you’re looking for a yummy salad that can be a meal in itself—one that’s packed with nutrition and flavor—then this is it!

You can roast a squash just to use in this salad or use leftovers, chop, and toss it in. Feel free to experiment with the kinds of seeds. Or better yet, use homemade roasted pumpkin seeds for a terrific boost of nutrients and flavor.

This recipe works with any type of squash, but butternut is always good.

Roasted Squash, Seeds, and Greens Salad

Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 head lettuce (any kind will do, but butter or plain green lettuce is great)
  • 1 bunch lacinato kale (or other kale), stems removed
  • 2 cups roasted squash, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  • 2 Tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 3 radishes, sliced

Dressing Ingredients:

  • 1 generous pinch of salt
  • 1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 3 Tablespoons olive oil


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Wash the lettuce and kale and place in a bowl.

3. To roast the squash, cut into bite-size pieces, cover in olive oil and salt, and roast in the oven for half an hour to an hour, depending on how browned you like your squash.

4. Add the squash, seeds, and radishes to the bowl with the lettuce and kale.

5. Whisk the dressing ingredients together in a separate bowl.

6. Toss dressing over the salad and mix so ingredients are evenly covered.


DISCLAIMER: Feeding yourself and your children organic foods may cause extreme health, healing, and happiness.


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