14 Days of Summer, a Meditation:
Day Nine

Ponds: Reflection

Ponds are mysterious. They mostly reflect the sky rather than reveal what is below. Some people are ocean people, others are pond and lake people, but the mystery of the pond is about delving deeper. Life is often like the surface of the pond, a visual illusion. It’s nothing, really, but water reflecting light. What lies beneath?

Are there areas of your life that you want to delve deeper into? In the calm stillness and peacefulness of a summer pond or lake, you can reflect on your own life and illusions. What do you reflect to others? What is below your surface? Are you deep or shallow? Warm or cold? Inviting or frightening? Reflect on the mystery that is you.

Make sure to come back tomorrow!


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5 Responses to 14 Days of Summer, a Meditation:
Day Nine

  1. Sue August 26, 2013 at 9:40 am #

    Ahhh, Maria. The most challenging meditation of all. Contemplating ourselves. This will give me something to think about.

    Thank you, as always.

  2. Sadhvi August 26, 2013 at 10:16 am #

    Day Nine: The calm of a pond, the blue of the sky without a cloud, the sound of crickets at night on the front porch…ahh! So nice to have the space to feel the emptiness or fullness of this.
    I used to meditate all the time, and oh how I loved the space that it took me. Then I found my career, became a success, saw the emptiness of it, back to enjoying helping people in my profession, and coming back to the thirst for meditation. Finding the time has been a challenge. But when I do, all the stress, the craziness, the stupidity of mankind, the keeping up with everything stops. Thanks for this 14 days of Summer series…I’m so enjoying it!

  3. Alice Green August 26, 2013 at 11:44 am #

    Oh Maria, this reminder of the mystery of myself makes me wish the 14 days of Summer series, was much much longer! Thank you so very much, and in case you ever wonder if all the heart and soul you put into this effort to reach out to others is really touching anyone – let me just say, wonder no more. Your word, thoughts touch me deeply. I’m very grateful!

  4. Donna in Delaware August 26, 2013 at 2:17 pm #

    These questions pass through my mind quite often. I am constantly trying to reinvent parts of myself for the better. Trying to see life, people, and relationships differently, in a more positive light than I have in the past or even presently.
    I constantly try to uplift myself, rather than have someone do it for me, which is difficult sometimes.

    Sometimes a mirror is my reflecting pool. I stop and take a long hard look into it, staring into it, trying to see what’s really there, who’s really there. Do I even like who I see? It is a daunting task, but one must keep at it to try and keep things in perspective and improve inwardly.

  5. maria (farm country kitchen) August 26, 2013 at 7:35 pm #

    I love you all. Thank you!

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